Special Combo Menu Item

Implementation in Back Office:

Page Navigation: My Stores >> Products/Items >> Products/Items >> Menu Item

  A new toggle option “Combo” needs to be included in the menu item creation screen.

  On enabling the combo option, a new field for configuring the special combo menu items should appear.

Screen Layout:

  The cheeseburger, coke, French fries are the configured combo menu items.

  The Combo configuration should include the following,

1)      Menu item – All the menu items created should listed in the drop down.

2)      Serving size – The serving size for the corresponding menu items should appear.

3)      S. No – Sequence number. Based on the sequence number the combo menu items will be placed on the order screen.

4)      Price – By default the price should be “Zero”. User can define price for the combo items. The defined price should be up charged with the combo price.

5)      Add menu item icon should placed below to map multiple menu items to the individual combo.

Note: By default, the measure type should set ad “Menu item” on enabling the “Combo” option.

Screen Layout:

Combo Configuration setup:


Terms and conditions:

1)       User can set upcharge for the mapped combo menu items. For example, in the below sample, user can set the price for French fries as $2.00.

2)      The combo price defined should be the menu price for the special combo items.

3)      The tax value assigned for the combo should be taken for the entire special combo menu items. Do not need to consider the taxes for the individual items mapped in the combo.

4)      The roles, item service charge, coursing attribute should be taken from the category assigned for the combo.

5)      User can map menu item as well as retail item as the special combo menu items.

6)      By default, the serving size for the combo should be each.

7)      The following attributes configured for the mapped special combo menu items should not be taken from the combo.

Note: The following attributes value of the mapped special combo menu items should be taken from the respective menu item configurations not from the combo.

1)      Kitchen print

2)      Kitchen Display system

3)      Modifier re-routing

4)      Restrict service type

5)      Modifiers (Include, Optional, Mandatory modifiers including the set tiered pricing).

Implementation in POS:

  Consider the below sample,

In Back Office,


  When user click onto the “Cheeseburger Combo” menu, it should show the combo and the price defined for it in the POS order screen. Then it needs to show the special combo menu items mapped under the combo.

  If any modifier is defined for the menu item, application should navigate to the modifier screen allowing the user to choose the modifier for the respective menu item.

  Once user selects the modifier and click on the “Done”, the next combo menu item mapped should be placed based on the sequence number.

  If retail item is mapped as combo item, it should be placed without navigating to the modifier screen.

  If conversational option is enabled for any of the combo menu items, then application should navigate to the conversational modifier screen for the respective menu item.

Note: The conversational modifier screen for the combo menu item should only display the defined serving sizes in the back office.

  For example, consider the combo menu item “Cheeseburger” have serving sizes small, medium, and large. And in the sample mentioned above, the cheeseburger with medium size is mapped as the combo menu item. The modifier screen should display only the defined serving size “Small”.

  All the mapped combo menu items should remain mandatory for the combo.

Accessible options:

  The following options should be available for the whole combo,

1)       Attach

2)      Hold

3)      Fire

4)      Repeat

5)      Quantity

6)      Void

7)      To Go

Screen Layout:

  For the individual combo menu items, the following options should be accessible,

1)    Attach

2)    Hold

3)    Fire

4)    Open Modifier

  On click into the modifier for the combo menu items, the modifier screen should open.

  Customer can customize the modifiers if they wish.

  If any price is defined for the modifier, then the modifier value need to be calculated exclusively with the sub total.

Terms and conditions:

1)      If user tries to void any one of the individual menu items in the combo then system should show the pop-up intimating that all the items in the combo will be deleted. If yes, all the items inside the combo should be deleted.

2)      User can do split with the combo menu items. User can do separate item for the combo based on the quantity. User can do split evenly for the combo menu items based on the seat.

3)      User can also use split in the payment screen for partial payment.

4)      Individual Item wise transfer is not allowed for the combo. User can do transfer with the whole combo package.

Note: No need to display all the menu items inside the combo package while transferring. The respective combo name should be shown instead for all the items inside the combo.

5)      User cannot do item wise void/delete within the combo.

6)      The kitchen print should work based on the menu item basis.

7)      Check based discount is applicable for the combo item check.

8)      Item based discount is not applicable for the combo menu items.

9)       The combo should be displayed in CDS as it appears in the POS.

Impacts on reports:

Page Navigation: My Stores >> Reports >> Sale >> Menu Item sale

  The combo items sold should be recorded in the menu items sale report.

  The sale amount, quantity, tax, discount, and the % of sale for the items should be displayed in the report.

Sample template:

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