This document explains – Mail Chimp integration.
1.The user will be able to send emails (bulk) through Mail Chimp and dealer configuration of Redirected URL for mail chimp
2.The user will be able to send emails (bulk) through Mail Chimp and it is should be available for Basic and Pro Plan as well.
Mail Chimp configuration
Implementation in Back Office
User has to vist the official page of mail chimp and has to create an account and click Sign up
After Creating an account ,Using username & Password user has to Log in
Mailchimp Dashboard screen appears
User has to select Account option in Account settings as shown below
In Account setting, User has to select the Registered Apps under Extras Tab
Under registered apps settings.User has to Register app
User has to enter the following details
· Company/Organization
· App website
Redirect url
User has to enter the respective URL in the Redirect URL tab
Common Redirect URL- https:// <url>/mailchimp/auth/callback
Incase of Dealer
Dealer URL appears -https://<dealer url>/mailchimp/auth/callback
After entering the URL user has to click create, Client ID and clicent secret will be generated
Under account setting in backoffice, User has to enter the Client ID& Client secret in account settings
After saving the client ID and client secret in Account settings then the User clicks under store level .The URL will match and Log in screen
After Login, A New webpage appears User has to click Allow option
After clicking also , Mail chimp connected screen will appear.
Mail Chimp configuration
Implementation in Back Office
This is for Enterprise Level
Page Navigation: My Enterprise>> Mail Chimp
Here, the account users will be able to integrate with Mail Chimp in order to promote their stores (promoting, advertising, offers, discounts, loyalties etc) to the customers via Email.
Using the customer’s email id (stored at the time of order) the user will be able to send the email to the customers.
The user will be able to click on Mail Chimp tab in the Enterprise level and then click on option. Upon clicking this option, the user will be navigated to the login screen where the user will enter the user id and password and then will be able to access Mail Chimp.
Whenever any customer is added in BO then it will be added to the Mail Chimp and vice versa. Also, the email id which are added to the Mail Chimp, the store user will be able to send the mail through it.
Mail Chimp in Basic & Pro Plan
For both Pro plan & Basic plan user when they login to backoffice the Mail chimp will be available
Basic plan & Pro plan- Incase of Single store, Mail Chimp tab will be in the main screen itself.