Enable PUC Integration

PUC Integration workflow:

Step 1: Placing an order.

  Customer can login to the online order app/website and places an order via OLO.

Step 2:  Receiving the order.

 Once the order is received by the POS a pick-up code need to be generated.

Step 3: Send Unlock code to customers.

  The pick-up code/pick-up unlock code should be sent to the customer.

  The pick-up code is mandatory for collecting the order.

  Both QR and numeric code to pick-up needs to be generated.

Step 4: Order ticket print.

  The order ticket print should be generated.

  The print should contain the Order details with the pick-up unlock code generated.

  The pick-up code received by the customer should match the pick-up code printed in the ticket.

Step 5: Order Ready.

  The ordered items are assembled and packed for delivery.

Step 6: Loading the Order into PUC.

 The assembled order is then loaded into the pick-up cabinet at the service center.

  The orders are validated and loaded by manual check or by scanning the code printed in the ticket.

  The assembled order is loaded in the back of house of pick-up cabinet.

  The pickup cabinet must should have the following mandatory fields,

1)      Cabinet ID- unique identity for the cabinet. The cabinet ID should be intimated to the customers for easy identification.

2)      Reference. – Reference to the cabinet ID.

3)      Display name- Display name for the corresponding cabinet.

4)      Queue hold minutes

5)      Queue hold minutes – the time that the order holds in the respective cabinet should be recorded.

6)      Estimated size – based on the order the cabinet should be allocated. And the cabinet environment should have at least one locker. The environment may be ambient, heated, or cold accordingly.

Step 7: Receiving Order Ready.

  On loading the order into the Pick-up cabinet, the customer receives a notification intimating the order is ready with the details regarding the cabinet ID.

  Customer can now collect the order from the PUC installed in the nearest service center.

Step 8: Order retrieval.

  Customer can scan the QR code to collect the order from the corresponding cabinet ID provided.

  Also, they can enter the pick-up unlock code in the PUC screen pad and collect the order.

Order status trigger:

  The PUC system can send the messages regarding the order status to the customers if configured.

  The messages can be triggered in the following order status,

1)      Order Loading.

2)      Order Pick-up expiring in 10 minutes.

3)      Order Pick-up expired.

 The SMS includes the details regarding the pick-up cabinet.

 The message can also have an image of the pick-up QR code attached.

 A sample message would be as follows,

Code 1234. // Pick-up Unlock Code

Hi, Allison. Your Mega Pizza order is ready for pickup. Look for the Pickup Cabinet to the left of the front door, then scan the QR code or enter your code 1234. You’re picking up from 123 Main Street, Portland, phone 555-123-1234. Thanks!

Implementation in Back office:

Page Navigation: My Stores >> Settings >> Delivery >> PUC cabinet settings.

If the toggle option PUC is enabled, the fields API key, password, Cabinet ID and the Cabinet Alias should be editable.

The fields should be greyed out if the toggle option “Enable PUC” is disabled.

All these information should be updated to the POS.

Typical Order Flow for PUC:

Online Ordering Version 1.1 - Release Notes
Online Ordering Version 1.2 - Release Notes
Online Ordering Version 1.3 - Release Notes
May 2 2022 Release notes
January 3 2023 Release Notes
August 17 2023 Release Notes
Membership Report
Item Notes Visibility in OLO
Online Tip Categorization
Enable PUC Integration
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