Back Office
- Detailed Sale Recap report
- A new report type ‘Detailed Report’ will be displayed. In this report the
- To generate detailed sale recap report, select ‘Detailed Report’ in the Report Type
- Click on ‘Export as PDF’ button.
- Reset points of Loyalty from back office.
- Reference: Reset Loyalty points
- Reference: Reset Loyalty points
- Parent/Child Inventory quantity
- Currently, in the back office, the quantity and price of the parent item will be displayed in the Inventory Item screen.
- Now, the user can view the split up for parent and child separately.
- Reference: Display of Parent & Child in Inventory Item in BO
- Weekly Report – Add Margin, Remove US$.
- Gross Margin will be displayed in the Enterprise Weekly Report.
- Reference: Gross Margin in Enterprise Weekly Summary
- New till report with all the details- for Global till user wise
- Currently, in the POS, the cashier out report will be generated based on the selected cashier irrespective of the workstations.
- Now, in the cashier out report, Till Detail option will be displayed.
- Hence the report can be generated based on the sale created on the respective till for all the cashiers who have utilized the respective Global till.
- Reference: Global Till Report
- Sales refund
- Reference: Enhancement in Refund Process
- Reference: Enhancement in Refund Process
- Tokenization of CC card in Phone order
- Currently, in the POS we are tokenizing the credit card in the “Customer Profile” screen.
- Now we are tokenizing the cards while making payments.
- Reference: Credit Card Tokenization
- Conversational modifier
- Currently in iPad, when the user selects the menu item the serving size will be selected in one screen and then the modifiers in another screen.
- Now the introduces a new feature where the user will be able to select the serving size & modifiers in a single screen based on the back-office configuration.
- Reference: Conversational Modifier
- Payment method sequence show in order
- Reference: Display of payment in sequence
- Reference: Display of payment in sequence
- Dealer logo on IPAD:
- In UPOS Back office store settings dealers can upload there logo (Image upload of size 400X70).
- After uploading the logo in UPOS backoffice , user can able to view the Dealer logo in CloudPOS Order screen on left hand side top corner.
- Fire & Hold per check
- Reference: Fire& Hold per check
- Reference: Fire& Hold per check
- Address Line 2 is displayed in the Phone Order tab
- Currently, only Address Line 1 will be displayed in the Address column in the Phone Order tab.
- Now, Address Line 2 will also be displayed along with Address Line 1.
Bug Fixes:
- Following customer tickets are fixed :
- 40307
- 47869
- 47689
- 47491
- 45667
- 47123
- Sppax declined status should not show the in the failure payment
- Clover Payment – After accepting the payment in clover device, confirmation message will not be displayed in iPad.
- iOS 13 version supported for magtek device.
Reset Loyalty points
This document describes the ability to change the customer’s loyalty points of the customer(s) in the back office.
Changes in the back office
- Roles
- A new access Loyalty point Adjustment will be displayed in the Back Office section. [User Management >> Roles >> Select any role >> Back Office]
- By default, this option will be in disable mode.
- Note: For existing Admin users, this option (Loyalty point Adjustment) will be in enable mode.
- The user can enable the option later.
- When the access ‘Loyalty point Adjustment’ is enabled for any role, then the respective user can edit the loyalty points of customer in the Customers screen.
- Customer screen
- Two new columns – Loyalty points and Reason will be displayed in the Customers screen.
- When the user who have proper access edits the loyalty points, a new pop-up will be displayed where the user can edit the loyalty points and reason.
- The user can increase/ decrease the loyalty points or can reset the loyalty points to zero.
- The field, Reason is mandatory.
- When the user submits the pop-up, the updated loyalty points and the reason will be displayed in the grid table.
- Reports
- Following columns will be displayed in the Loyalty report. [Loyalty >> Report]
- Adjusted Loyalty points
- Reason
- When the user clicks on the Customer’s name, a pop-up will be displayed which has the following details:
- Customer’s Name
- Date filter
- Grid Table having the columns:
- Date
- Check No
- Point Adjusted
- Adjusted by/Adjust Reason
- Check Amount
- Loyalty reward
- Following columns will be displayed in the Loyalty report. [Loyalty >> Report]
Display of Parent & Child in Inventory Item in BO
Currently, in the back office, the quantity and price of the parent item will be displayed in the Inventory Item screen.
Now, the user can view the split up for parent and child separately. This document describes the changes in the Inventory Item screen
Changes in the Back Office
- Retail Item
- The field ‘Selling Unit’ will be renamed as Inventory Unit in the ‘Inventory Details’ screen. [Product/Items >> Product/Items >> Retail Item >> Inventory Details]
- The field ‘Selling Unit’ will be renamed as Inventory Unit in the ‘Add Child’ screen. [Product/Items >> Product/Items >> Retail Item >> Childs]
- The field ‘Selling Unit’ will be renamed as Inventory Unit in the ‘Inventory Details’ screen. [Product/Items >> Product/Items >> Retail Item >> Inventory Details]
- Inventory Item
- There will be a modification in the display of the Inventory Item grid table.
- Newly added columns are
- Purchase unit
- Price per unit
- Parent & Child for Quantity on hand, Cost per unit
Gross Margin in Enterprise Weekly Summary
This document describes the enhancement that needs to be implemented in the Enterprise Weekly Summary report.
Changes in the Back Office
- Enterprise Weekly Summary report
- A new column GM% will be displayed for each day adjacent to the Net Sales column in the Weekly Summary Report. [Enterprise Reports >> Sale >> Weekly Summary]
- Gross Margin percentage (GM%) will be calculated as ((Net Sales – COGS)/Net Sales) * 100
- Average of GM% will be displayed at the end of the week.
- Total Net Sales and the Average Net Sales for all the stores will be displayed at the bottom of the report.
- Average Net Sales = Total Net Sales / Total number of Stores.
- When the user clicks on the store name, drill down report will be displayed. The value of COGS will be displayed for each day.
Global Till Report
Currently, in the Cloud POS, the cashier out report will be generated based on the selected cashier irrespective of the work stations. Now, in the cashier out report, Till Detail option will be displayed. Hence the report can be generated based on the sale created on the respective till for all the cashiers who have utilized the respective Global till.
Changes in the Back Office
- Settings
- A new option Partial Payment not allowed in different tills will be displayed in the Settings screen. [Settings >> Store >> Settings]
- Help content for the option ‘Partial Payment not allowed in different tills’:
- On enabling this option, the partial payment cannot be allowed in different tills when Global Till is enabled.
Changes in the POS
- Cashier Out report
- A new option Till Detail will be displayed in the Cashier Out report screen when Global Till is enabled. [Operations >> Till Management >> Reports]
- By default, this option will be in disable mode.
- Hence the cashier out report will be generated for the selected cashier’s sales made in all the Global till.
- On enabling the option ‘Till Detail’, the report will be generated for all the cashiers sales made in the respective Global till.
- When the option ‘Till Detail’ is enabled,
- The Till Numbers will be listed in the drop down instead of Cashier’s name.
- The Till created date and time and the Till closed date and time will be displayed
- If Till closed time is not available, then the last sale created time will be displayed.
- All the details available in the Cashier Out report will be displayed in the UI and in the receipt. [Sales, Taxes, Payment Summary, Till Summary, and all Sale Summary]
- When the option ‘Till Detail’ is enabled and taken the print, the Till name/Device name will be displayed on the receipt. The Cashier’s name will not be displayed.
- The option Till Detail will not be displayed when the Global Till is disabled.
- Note: Hold and closed till details will not be show in Till reports. Only active till details will be shown.
Enhancement in Refund Process
This document describes the changes that need to be done in the Refund process in the POS.
Changes in the POS
- Refund
- When the user navigates to the Refund screen, the screen displays three options:
- Refund with Receipt
- Refund without Receipt
- Refund Menu Items
- When the user navigates to the Refund screen, the screen displays three options:
- Refund with Receipt
- Navigate to Refund screen. [Operations >> Refund]
- When the user selects a check in the ‘Refund’ screen and click on the Refund option, the Refund pop-up will be displayed.
- The check amount will be displayed.
- The user can select any one of the payment options.
- Note: The Reason field is mandatory when the refund is made.
- On selecting the payment options, a message will be displayed saying, “Do you want to refund? Confirm” will be displayed with ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ option.
- When the user clicks on the ‘Yes’ option, the refund process will be completed, a success message will be displayed saying, “Refund done successfully” and the user will be navigated to the Order screen.
- When the user clicks on the ‘No’ option, the refund process will not be done and retain in the same pop-up.
- The user can do partial refund.
- When the user refund for the same check next time, the application should validate the refund amount.
- For example,
- When a check amount is $100.00, the user refunds partially for $20.00.
- The next time the user will be allowed to refund up to $80.00.
- At any cost the user will not be allowed to refund more than the check amount.
- When a check is refunded completely, and the user selects the same check and click on the “Refund” option, then an alert message will be displayed, “The check has been refunded”.
- Refund without Receipt
- When the user clicks on the Refund without Receipt option in the ‘Refund’ screen, the Refund pop-up will be displayed.
- The user can select any one of the payment options.
- Note: The Reason field is mandatory when the refund is made.
- On selecting the payment options, a message will be displayed saying, “Do you want to refund? Confirm” will be displayed with ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ option.
- When the user clicks on the ‘Yes’ option, the refund process will be completed, a success message will be displayed saying, “Refund done successfully” and the user will be navigated to the Refund screen. [Operations >> Refund]
- When the user clicks on the ‘No’ option, the refund process will not be done and retain in the same pop-up.
- When the user clicks on the Refund without Receipt option in the ‘Refund’ screen, the Refund pop-up will be displayed.
- Refund Menu Items
- When the user clicks on the Refund Menu Items option in the Refund screen, the user will be navigated to the Order Summary screen.
- The screen displays 2 options at the bottom of the Menu screen.
- Refund Check
- Refund Item(s)
- When the user clicks on the Refund Item(s) option in the Order screen, without selecting any menu item, then a message saying, “Please select any menu item” will be displayed.
- The user can select multiple menu items.
- When the user clicks on the Refund Check option, the “Refund” pop-up will be displayed.
- When the user selects any menu item(s) and click on the Refund Item(s) option, the “Refund” pop-up displays as
- The price of the menu item(s) will be displayed.
- The user can select any one of the payment options.
- Note: The Reason field is mandatory when the refund is made.
- The user will not be allowed to edit the amount.
- On selecting the payment options, a message will be displayed saying, “Do you want to refund? Confirm” will be displayed with ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ option.
- When the user clicks on the ‘Yes’ option, the refund process will be completed, a success message will be displayed saying, “Refund done successfully” and the user will be navigated to the Order screen.
- When the user clicks on the ‘No’ option, the refund process will not be done and retain in the same pop-up.
- The user cannot make partial refund.
- The user will not be allowed to select the same menu item(s) which has already been refunded.
- When the refund process is completed, a check will be created with the character (R) amended.
- For example,
- When a check (1-001) is created on 25th June and it is refunded on 27th June, then the check number will be R-1-001.
- The refund check (R-1-001) will have the menu item(s) that has been refunded.
- The original check (1-001) will have the refunded status for the menu items that has been refunded.
- Once the refund is completed, the user clicks on the Done button. On clicking the “Done” button, the details will be saved and the user will be navigated to the Refund screen. [Operations >> Refund]
- When the user navigates to Order Summary screen and decides to cancel the refund process, then the user can click on the Done button.
- On clicking the Done button, the user will be navigated to the Refund screen. [Operations >> Refund]
- On clicking the Done button, the user will be navigated to the Refund screen. [Operations >> Refund]
- When the user clicks on the Refund Menu Items option in the Refund screen, the user will be navigated to the Order Summary screen.
Changes in the Back Office
- Sale Recap Report
- Refund Section
- The following data will be displayed in the Refund section:
- Cash Refunds
- Non-cash Refunds
- Refund Tax
- Refund Tax will be the sum of the tax amount for the menu item(s) that has been refunded in the POS.
- Hence the Total = (Cash Refunds) + (Non-cash Refunds) + (Refund Tax)
- The following data will be displayed in the Refund section:
- Taxes Section
- Refund Tax will be displayed.
- The Total Tax Amount = Sum of all the tax amount – Refund Tax
- When the option Tax with Net sales is enabled in the back office
- When the option Tax with Net sales is enabled in the back office
- Refund Section
- Tax Report
- A new row Refund Tax will be displayed just above the “Total”.
- Hence the Total Tax Amount = Sum of all the tax amount – Refund Tax.
- Refund Report
- The column Amount will be split into three columns – Net Sale, Refund Tax, Total.
- The column Amount will be split into three columns – Net Sale, Refund Tax, Total.
Credit Card Tokenization
We can securely add and save the credit cards while making payments at the Cloud POS so that the customer can use the same card for next purchases. Currently, in the Cloud POS we are tokenizing the credit card in the “Customer Profile” screen. Now we are tokenizing the cards while making payments.
Changes in the Back Office
- Settings
- A new option Tokenize the credit card will be displayed in the Settings screen. [Settings >> Store >> Settings]
- The user can select the service types to which the credit cards need to be tokenized.
- By default, none of the options displayed.
Changes in the iPad
- Payment Screen
- If the option “Tokenize the credit card” is disabled in the back office and if the user taps on the credit card payment name, the credit cards will not be tokenized.
- If the option “Tokenize the credit card” is enabled in the back office and still no card is tokenized for the customer, then the user will be navigated to the “Credit Card screen”.
- If the option “Tokenize the credit card” is enabled in the back office and if the customer is having already tokenized cards, then the “Choose Card” pop-up will be displayed.
- Previously tokenized cards in the “Customer Profile” screen and the “Payment” screen will also be displayed.
- The user can select any one of the saved cards and complete the payment process.
- If the user taps on the “New Card” option, then the user will be navigated to the “Credit Card” screen.
- Credit Card screen
- If the option “Tokenize the credit card” is enabled in the back office, and when the user taps on “Process” option and once the payment transaction is completed an alert message saying, “Do you want to tokenize your card?” will be displayed with Yes and No options.
- When the user taps on “No”, the card details will not be tokenized.
- When the user taps on “Yes”, the system will verify whether the customer has been attached to the respective check or not.
- If the customer has been attached to the check, then the given card details will be tokenized and saved.
- If the customer has not been attached to the check, then a pop-up will be displayed with the following details:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Save
- Cancel
- There will be a search option available to search customer.
- Note:
- The first name and last name will be populated when the card is processed through swiping or EMV.
- The user has to provide either Phone Number or Email.
- When the user has provided any one of the fields (Phone Number or Email), then the “Save” button will be enabled.
- On tapping the “Save” button, the following details – Card Number, First Name, Last Name, Phone Number/Email Address will be saved.
- On tapping the “Cancel” button, the pop-up will be closed, and the credit card will not be tokenized.
- During offline, the credit card will not be tokenized. Only the payment transaction will be saved and stored in “Process Offline”.
- If the same credit card number is tokenized, a new token will be generated and this token will be updated for the respective card number.
- The card number will be tokenized and saved. It will be displayed as a masked number in the format “First 4 digits XXXXXXXXX Last 4 digits”. For example, 1234XXXXXXXXX3439
- Limitations:
- When the payment is through MPPG (TSYS), the saved card(s) will be displayed only for Sale process. During Authorize process, it will be navigated to the Card screen directly.
- For Pre-Auth transactions, the card number will not be tokenized.
Conversational Modifier
Currently in the iPad, when the user selects the menu item the serving size will be selected in one screen and then the modifiers in another screen.
Now the Cloud introduces a new feature where the user will be able to select the serving size & modifiers in a single screen based on the back-office configuration.
- A new option ‘Conversational’ is added to the following screen:
- Create/Update Category screen
- Create/Update sub-Category screen
- Create/Update Menu Item screen
- By default, the option will be in disable mode.
- The user should be able to enable the option.
- When the user enables/ disables the ‘Conversational’ option and clicked on ‘Save’ or ‘Update’ button, the details should be stored.
- When the user has enabled the option ‘Conversational’ in a Category, the options in the respective Sub-category and Menu items should also be enabled. The user should be able to modify the option in Sub-category and Menu items screens.
- There is no change in the functionality when the ‘Conversational Modifier’ is disabled in the back office.
- When the ‘Conversational Modifier’ is enabled in the back office, then the menu item should show the conversational modifiers.
- In the conversational modifier screen, when the user clicks on the menu item, the application should display serving size and modifiers in the same screen.
- ‘Conversational Modifier’ screen should be displayed with
- Serving size
- Included Modifiers (if applicable)
- Mandatory Modifiers (if applicable)
- Optional Modifiers (if applicable)
- The user should be able to select the items in any order. Ie, the user can choose the serving size and then the modifiers or modifiers and then the serving size.
- When a menu item is selected the ‘included modifiers’ should be added in the ‘Order’ screen. The included modifiers should be highlighted in the ‘Menu’ screen.
- When the user does not want the included modifier, the user will deselect the respective modifier in the ‘Menu’ screen, then
- The text ‘No’ will be appended before the respective modifier name in the ‘Order’ screen.
- The deselected modifier should be grayed out in the ‘Menu’ screen.
- Note: This action will be taken place only when the prefix ‘No’ is added for the menu item.
- On the selection of the modifier, the prefixes will be displayed in the right-hand side. The user should be able to select the prefixes.
- When the user wants extra include modifiers, the user will select the respective prefix and then the modifier.
- When an ‘Alternate modifier group’ is enabled for a menu item in the back office, a button ‘Alternate Modifier’ should be displayed below the ‘Done’ button for the respective menu item.
- When the toppings are selected, the user should be able to select the slices in the toppings diagram.
- There is no change in the functionality of mandatory & optional modifiers.
- The functionality of buttons – ‘Cancel’, ‘Start Over’, ‘Done’ and ‘Alternate Modifier’ remains the same.
- When the menu item has more modifiers, the application should display scroll down button. The user should be able to scroll up and down the screen.
- There is no change in the functionality of ‘Modify’ option.
Display of payment in sequence
This document describes how the payment names will be displayed in the sequence order in the POS based on the back office settings.
Changes in the Back Office
- Settings
- A new option Sequence will be displayed in the Payment Methods in the Settings screen. [Settings >> Store >> Settings]
- By default, zero (0) will be displayed.
- The user can change the sequence(s) later.
- Once the sequence has changed, and then again navigated to the ‘Settings’ screen, the payment types will be displayed in the sequence mentioned.
Changes in the POS
The payment names on the payment screen will be displayed as in the sequence given in the back office.
Fire& Hold per check
This document describes the functionality of holding and firing multiple menu items in the check level.
Changes in the POS
- The user will click on the Table and select one or multiple menu item(s) from any seat.
- On selecting any of the menu items, the Menu Option screen will be displayed.
- Currently, the user can select only the option Repeat.
- Now, the user can select Hold and Fire options.
- On selecting, the Hold option, multiple menu items will be in ‘Hold’ status and will not be send to the kitchen.
- On selecting the Fire option, the respective menu items will be sent to the kitchen in a single print.