Instant cash reward
- The Cash Reward Program is a way for the store owner to offset some or all the current merchant service fees without increasing overall rates. It is a method of implementing a service fee to all customers, while giving a discount to those who pay with cash.
- Reference:Â Cash Reward Program Section
Permission Logic
- Currently, in Cloud application, if a role is given access to specific permission(s), then the respective user will be able to grant access to other roles within the specified permission(s). But the user is able to create users of any hierarchy.
- For example, when the Admin has given following permissions to the Manager – Create Item, Edit Item,Void Item and Pay Cash. Then the Manager can only have the access to provide the permission to other users within these options only. But now a Manager is able to create an Admin user. Hence this needs to be prevented.
- Reference:Â Permission Logic Section
4 Factor gift card integration
- Factor 4 is a gift card and a loyalty program provider. They empower businesses of all sizes to identify and monetize customer loyalty.
- Reference: Factor 4 Integration Section
New Cash Discount Change Request
- Reference:Â Enhancement in Cash Discount Program Section
Finalize Payroll (at least summaries and color)
- A new option Show summary only will be displayed in the Role Based Payroll report. [Reports >>Employee]
- When the option is enabled and generate the report,only the summary of each role of an employee will be displayed.
- When the option is disabled and generate the report, data and the summary of the employee will be displayed.
Batch Tip And Adjustments are not allowed per job code.
- In the Back Office, a new access, Tip Adjustment will be displayed in the Role screen. [User Management >> Roles >> POS Operations]
- By default, the option will be in enable mode for existing roles.
- Note: For new roles, this option will be in disable mode by default.
- The user can disable the option later.
- When the option Tip Adjustment is enabled in the Back Office, the users in the iPad will be able to adjust the tip in the Batch/Tip Adjustment screen
- When the option Tip Adjustment is disabled in the Back Office, the users in the iPad will not be able to adjust the tip in the Batch/Tip Adjustment screen
Tenders on Dashboards
- Currently, the dashboard in the back office will display the graph of transactions made by different card types (Amex, Visa, Master, etc.) in a store in the Sale by Tender section.
- Now, the dashboard will display the graph of transactions made by different payment types (Cash, Gift Card, Credit Card, etc.) in a store in the Sale by Tender section.
Cash Rewards Program
- The Instant Cash Reward Program is a way for the store owner to offset some or all the current merchant service fees without increasing overall rates. It is a method of implementing a service fee to all customers, while giving a discount to those who pay with cash.
- This document describes the functionality of Instant Cash Reward program.
Changes in Cloud Admin
- A new option Show Cash Reward will be displayed on the Account screen.
- By default, this option will be in disable mode.
- The user can enable the option later.
- When the option Show Cash Reward is in a disable mode, then the settings of Cash Reward will not be displayed in the Back Office. [both in Settings screen and Discounts screen]Â
- When the op_on Show Cash Reward is in a enable mode, then the settings of Cash Reward will be displayed in the Back Office. [both in Settings screen and Discounts screen]
Changes in the Back Office
- Settings
- A new op_on Cash Reward will be displayed in the Settings screen. [Settings >> Store >> Settings]
- The user can select any one of the options either Service Charge or Cash Discount or Cash Reward.
- Discounts
- A new tab Instant Cash Reward will be displayed in the Discounts screen. [Products/Items >> Discounts]
- A new tab Instant Cash Reward will be displayed in the Discounts screen. [Products/Items >> Discounts]
- Instant Cash Reward
- Name: The user can provide the name of the Instant Cash Reward.
- Instant Cash Reward: The user can provide the value in the percentage.
- OK
- Cancel
- Note:Â When the user has provided the Instant Cash Reward percentage, the user has to increase the price of each menu item manually.
Changes in the iPad
- Cash Reward will work like Open discount but will not be displayed on the Order Summary screen while the sale is created.
- When the user makes the payment using Cash or Fast Cash, the name and the value of the Instant Cash Reward will be displayed on the receipt.
- The Instant Cash Reward will be deducted from the Total value of the sale. When the customer pays the amount, the Cash Reward will be given to the customer as Change due.
- For example: When the customer pays $10.00, the cash reward $1.00 will be given as the Change due to the customer.
Bill Print:
Note: In the Bill print the following text will be displayed, “If paid by Cash, you will get <Cash Reward Amount> Instant Cash Reward.”
- Note: In the receipt, the Cash Reward amount will be displayed.
- The Cash Reward will be displayed only once, even though the customer pays cash multiple times for a receipt.
- Cash reward is not applied for multi-currencies. It will be calculated based on the Store Currency.
- When the customer pays the total amount using other payments, only the service charge will be calculated. The Cash reward will not be applied.
- When the customer pays partial amount using other payment and remaining amount using cash, the cash reward will be applied only for the amount paid by cash.
- For example, When the Total amount that needs to be paid is $100.00 and the customer pays $70.00 using a credit card and $30.00 using cash, then the Cash Reward will be calculated for $30.00
- Applying discount
- When a menu item price is $10.00, the discount is set as $1.00 and the cash reward percentage as 5% in the back office, then the check total before applying discount will be $10.00. the check total after applying discount will be $9.00.
- Now when the customer pays via cash, the check total will be $8.55. The Cash Reward $0.45 will be given to the customer as change due.
- When the customer pays the amount via cash a_er reducing the cash rewarded amount, then the Change Due will not be displayed on the receipt.
- For example, When the Total amount is $10.00 and the cash rewarded amount is $1.00. If the customer pays $9.00, (i.e)$10.00 – $1.00, then the Change Due will not be displayed in the receipt.
- When the customer has made full payment through cash, then the cash reward will be calculated for the full amount. i.e, when the Total amount is $10.00 and the customer pays the full amount through cash, then the Cash Reward will be $1.00 and the Change due will be $1.00.
- When the customer has made partial payment through cash, then the cash reward will be calculated for the partial amount. i.e, when the Total amount is $10.00 and the customer pays partially through cash ($5.00), then the Cash Reward will be $0.50 , Check Total will be $9.50 and the Paid amount will be $4.50.
- When a check has a non-sale amount like recharge of Gift Card, House Account etc., then the cash reward will not be applied to the non-sale amount.
- For example: When the Sale Amount is $10.00, Recharge (Non-Sale revenue) is $5.00, then the cash reward will be applied only to the sale amount.
- When tax is added to the check amount, then the cash reward will be applied to the sub total first and stored internally and then to the Tax amount,
- For example: When the Sub Total is $10.00, 10% exclusive tax is $1.00, Total will be $11.00 and 10% cash reward ($1.10),
- Sub Total will be displayed as $10.00 (stored internally as $9.01)
- Tax will be displayed as $0.89. Finally, the Total will be displayed as $9.90
- When a check contains inclusive tax, the cash reward will not be applied to the inclusive tax separately. (i.e) the cash reward will be applied to the Total amount.
- When a check contains gratuity amount, then the cash reward will not be applied to the gratuity.
- For example: When the Sub total is $10.00, Gratuity (25%) is $2.50. When Cash reward (10%) is applied to the Sub Total, the
- Sub Total will be displayed as $10.00 (stored internally as $9.00).
- Now the Gratuity will be calculated for the Sub Total.
- When the check tax is applied to the check, for example, 10% tax for the check total $10.00, a_er applying the cash reward, the tax will become $0.00. Because the check total will be reduced after the cash reward is applied.
- Customer Display Screen:Â Cash Reward will be displayed on the Customer Display Screen to inform the customers in advance about the cash discount fees.
- Report:
- The details of Cash Reward will be displayed in the drill down report of the Sale Summary. [Reports >> Sale >> Sale Summary >> Select any check]
- A new op_on By Cash Reward will be displayed in the filter – Report Type in the Discount Report. [Reports >> Discounts]
Permission Logic
- Currently, in the application, if a role is given access to specific permission(s), then the respective user will be able to grant access to other roles within the specified permission(s). But the user is able to create users of any hierarchy.
- For example, when the Admin has given following permissions to the Manager – Create Item, Edit Item, Void Item and Pay Cash. Then the Manager can only have the access to provide the permission to other users within these options only. But now a Manager can create an Admin user. Hence this needs to be prevented.
- This document describes the changes that need to be implemented in the Permission Logic.
Changes in the Back Office
- Role
- A new op_on Priority will be displayed in the Role screen. [User Management >> Roles]
- It is a drop-down field and having the values
- Account Admin
- Store Admin
- 3,4, ….10 (Display one below the other)
- The users will not be allowed to select the option 1 – Account Admin.
- When a role having a specific priority, then the respective user can be able to create users with the roles greater than the specified priority.
- Note: Only the Super Admin or Account Admin can be able to select the op_on 2 – Store Admin. Other users will not be able to select the option 2 – Store Admin.
- For example, The priority of Account Admin is 1, Store Admin is 2 and the Manager is 3.
- When Cashier role is assigned of priority 4, the Cashier will not be allowed to create users of role Super Admin or Admin or Manager.
- The Cashier role will not be allowed to create another Cashier.
- For existing users, set the priority as 1 for Account Admin, 2 for the Store Admin and for the remaining users as 3. Later the users will be able to change the priority for other users.
- When the user sets the priority and grant permissions and click on Save or Update bu_on, the user will be navigated to the main Role screen.
- A column Priority is added to the grid table.
- Only the applicable roles will be displayed in the drop-down of Roles. (i.e) The priority of Account Admin is 1, Store Admin is 2 and the Manager is 3. When Cashier role is assigned of priority 4, the options in the Roles field will not display Super Admin/ Admin/
- Manager.
Factor Integration
- Factor 4 is a gift card and a loyalty program provider. They empower businesses of all sizes to identify and monetize customer loyalty.
This document describes the integration of Factor 4 in Cloud application.
Changes in the Back Office
- Settings
- When the option SPPax is chosen in the Payment Type, a new option Enable Factor 4 will be displayed.
- By default, this option will be in disable mode. The user can enable the option later.
- When the option Enable Factor 4 is enabled, then the user will not be allowed to enable the option Enable EBT.
- Similarly, when the option Enable EBT is enabled, then the user will not be allowed to enable the option Enable Factor 4.
- Reports
- When the payment is made using the Factor 4 card in the POS, the respective sale will be reflected in all the payment related reports.
- When the Factor 4 cards are issued, the details will be updated in the Non Sale Revenue section of the Sale Recap report and Cashier Out report.
- A new tab Factor 4 will be displayed in the sub navigation Gift Card. [Reports >> Gift Card >> Factor 4]
- It has the following filters – Card Number, Activity Type, Employee, Time Period.
- The options in the Activity Type are All, Issue, Redeemed, Recharge, Refund, Void.
- Note: In this Phase, display only All, Issue, Redeemed.
- When the user clicks on the Run button, the report will be generated based on the selection of the filters.
- The report will have the following columns: Card Number, Date, Employee, Sale Number, Node, Activity Type, Amount, Balance.
- Impact in the POS
- POS Settings
- An option Factor 4 will be displayed in the section Default Gift Card Type.
- When the option Factor 4 is selected, then the screen Factor 4 will be displayed as default on the Gift Card screen. [Check Options >> Gift Card]
- Gift Card
- A new tab Factor 4 will be displayed on the Gift Card screen. [Check Options >> Gift Card]
- On clicking the Factor 4 option, the screen displays the following details:
- Card Number
- Issue
- When the user clicks on the Issue button, a pop-up for entering the amount will be displayed.
- After providing the amount and clicks on the Continue option in the pop-up, the request will be sent to the SpPax device.
- The user will either swipe the card or manually enter the Card Number in the SpPax device.
- The masked card number and the last 4 digits will be displayed on the Gift Card screen.
- On clicking the Done button, the card details will be updated in the Order screen.
- POS Settings
- Balance Check
- When the user clicks on the Balance Check button, the request will be sent to the SpPax device.
- The user will either swipe the card or manually enter the Card Number in the SpPax device.
- The masked card number and the last 4 digits will be displayed on the Gift Card screen.
- The available Balance in the Card will be displayed on the Gift Card screen.
- When the user clicks on the Done button, the Gift Card screen will be closed.
- Payment Screen
- After creating the sale, the SPPax payment name will be displayed on the payment screen.
- The user will manually enter the SPPax Card Number or swipe the SPPax Card in the SpPax device and complete the payment process.
- Note: The payment process will work same as the SpPax payment.
- Next Release
- Reload
- Tip Adjustment
- Void
- Refund
Enhancement in Cash Discount Program
- This document explains the enhancement of the Cash Discount Program
Changes in the Back Office
- Front End Receipt Template
- Two new options will be displayed on the Front End Receipt Template screen. [Settings >> Printer Configuration>> Front End Receipt Template]
- Display Check Total.
- Display Cash Discount Name.
- By default, both the options will be in enable mode.
- The user can disable the option later.
- Two new options will be displayed on the Front End Receipt Template screen. [Settings >> Printer Configuration>> Front End Receipt Template]
- Cash Discount
- The field Fee Name will be displayed only in the Customer Display Screen
- Changes in the Receipt
- Receipt
- When the option Display Check Total is disabled in the back office, the Check Total will not be displayed on the receipt.
- When the option Display Cash Discount Name is disabled in the back office, the Cash Discount Name will not be displayed on the receipt.
- The Fee Name will not be displayed in the Receipt.
- Receipt
Receipt when paid through Credit Card
Receipt when paid through Cash
Changes in the POS
- Order Summary screen
- The Fee Name will not be displayed in the Order Summary screen of the POS.
- The Cash Discount Name will be displayed in the Order Summary screen after the payment via Cash.
- Next Release
- The Fee Name will be displayed in the Customer Display Screen.
- Cash Op_on will be displayed both on the Order Summary screen of the POS and Customer Display Screen to inform the customers in advance about the cash discount fees.