Connecting a BT Scanner:
Turn on the Scanner by holding down the small black button until you see the green and blue lights
After device is on scan this barcode. This will reset the scanner back to factory default
The device will now turn off and you will need to power it back on and scan this bar code
Now scan ONE OF THE TWO barcodes. This will give you the option to either have the scanner always on or power off after 8 continuous hours
Go to your “Settings” on the iPad and select “Bluetooth” and connect the Scanner device
Scanner successfully connected
Creating a New Retail item:
Go to “Products/Item”, “+Retail Item”
When imputing the information, it is important when filling out the “Sku Codes” to type in the full code name. Example: From the leading “3” to the ending “8”
After imputing the information, select the “Next” button
Enter inventory details and select “Update and Publish” when complete